Content Portfolio
Expand the toggles below to explore select pieces. Areas emphasized include content strategy and development, technical writing, and content design. Links to samples are included in the descriptions.
You can learn more about my strategic content boutique, Simply Digital, here.
Select Project Samples
Instructions to Submit a Local School District Budget Form
Objective: Develop a clear, comprehensive, and visually appealing school district budget form, consolidating and improving upon on multiple resources and existing processes.
Solution: I rewrote and redesigned this piece after referencing unorganized and unformatted documentation provided on the topic. Development included cleaning and consolidating information provided, performing additional research to confirm accuracy, crafting clear instructions, and designing a brand-aligned resource.
Results: The final piece resulted in a single-page, brand-aligned resource for administrative distribution and inclusion on the district’s website, help center, and knowledge base. The document contains notable copy and design enhancements, including a distinct legal requirements section, clear step-by-step instructions with visual formatting and styling cues to aid in readability and draw attention to key details.
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Electric Scooter Rebrand and User Account Updates
Challenge: An electric scooter company announced their recent rebrand and details on user account updates. I rewrote and redesigned these resources to turn story slides containing extensive copy and a crowded design into clean, clear, and readable pages.
Solution: Updates and enhancements applied included
Simplified language and removed redundancies
Consolidated concepts
Restructured copy for greater readability
Improved headings and subheadings
Results: The rewritten and reformatted slides now provide essential and exciting details on the brand’s changes in a clear, concise, and easily digestible way.
Educational Article on Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Basics
This article was written in-house for a web agency. It addresses current and emerging (at the time) search engine optimization strategies. Since my departure, the agency has republished the piece at least once.
This writing sample demonstrates my ability to write informative, in-depth, and industry-specific content. It also showcases a combination of industry research gathered on the subject and my own SEO knowledge (which has since expanded).
Informative Article on the GDPR and Agency Plan of Action
I wrote this article for a web agency on the newly instated (at the time) GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation). Since my departure, the agency has republished the piece at least once.
This writing sample demonstrates my ability to research and write informative, technical, and industry-specific content.
The final piece was distributed to clients, as well as promoted and made available for the public as it was search engine optimized.
While most of my professional work is proprietary or confidential, you can gather a greater sense of the work I have done on the homepage or by contacting me for more context on the full scope of my work and experience.